Friday, August 28, 2009

The Basics

The DK DeathSquad

The concept is simple, control the majority of a group and you HAVE control of the situation. This is the point of the DK DeathSquad, much like Mercenary out for their own good, we would run on certain objectives. And there are also hitches to the Master plan but nothing a good gamer and a group that works well as a team can't find a way around.

The Death Squad's main goal is to Control Battlegrounds (BG) and to Raid Alliance cities.

Only Death Knights (DK) can join this Guild, and this is what gives us a few curve balls. For PvP raids and assists.
 It is easier to talk than type when mashing buttons.
All Players should have:
Vent (Mic, speakers and the Program)  or In-game Vent (Mic & Speakers) Vent Download

(Vent log in information will also be in the Guild Info screen of the Guild Roster, ask if you have issues.)

The Majority of the time we will do well on our own, using our class skills. Our Rune Taps healing and using vent to rotate our buffs, Anti - magic Shell to thwart spell damage, coupled with Army of the Dead will keep most of our enemies at bay. Remember, most BG runners are not in a Vent channel talking about what they are doing, we will be. We will have an upper hand.

There will be several ranks, each explaining the detail of the players expertise in running Battlegrounds, and that of the Guild Founders. These are the PvP Raid or Group leaders and you will work with them to get around obsticles and the like.

Do not be afraid to speak up, and if there are any problems on either side, I expect to be approached rationally and with out a bunch of drama - he said she said. Take a snap shot of the conversation by hitting "Print Screen" on your keyboard, it will save the pic in your wow folder under screen shots. Also send me an in game mail letting me know also to Nabolshia and simply put in the Subject line - DeathSquad. And a basic explanation.

Our runs will be to gain Honor and the pieces we need in PvP to move toward, we will then also off shift and run with the sister guilds as we desire on bigger runs and fill in the DPS and TANKING as needed or desired by you to join these groups. So there will be runs where there's loot and gear, no fears.

We will do runs to get our lower DK to level 80. We are only as strong as our weakest link. I know my DK is only level 72 at the time of writing this, but my mind exceeds the levels I have earned in a game. We will be at our peak when our brothers and sisters total enough to fill two raids and Camp Alliance cities...

I want to strike fear in the Alliance when they see our guild name in the battlegrounds, on the road, flying by them. Fear causes panic, and when panic you loose rational thought - they then have weakness. Even the strongest Twink or geared Uber can fall from being tricked or over powered and out maneuvered.

 Defenders of Horde Cities (DOH)
Use common sense not emotion to drive your experience in the DK DeathSquad. We will be DOH, and defend Horde cities together with our Sister Guilds when needed. We live to kill alliance and humiliate them on every battlefield.

Founders - Those that signed the initial Charter.
Masters - Level 80 and carrying proven experience in BG, commanding a Raid, or Raid Sub-Party.
Lords - Level 70 and carrying proven experience in BG, Commanding a Raid, or Party.
Archon - Level 60 and carrying proven experience in BG, Commanding a Raid, or party.

Damned - Level 55 and just out of Ebon Hold. None to Little BG experience, runs random groups.

You will be the army that storms across the plain, or swoops down from the air. When they see our name, they will scatter like sheep before a mighty black dragon of death, they will die and cities will burn.

We will use tactics and voice organization to wipe out the opposition and take BG's by storm, our names will be known among the alliance and when we ride on a zone they will know us by our blood stained fingers....

Do you have what it takes? Join today. We will be attempting to have players on at all hours eventually, it is your job to recruit as a member, people that are DK classed and have an interest in our Brotherhood. This way you will have more trusted players that you can run with during the hours you are on. All Archon ranks and above will be able to create calander guild days for runs and send guild mailings. Join us.

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